September 14, 2010

Hello Kitty Milky Crystal Set

Bought these on ebay. Still missing several sets of Hello Kitties.
I love variations!

September 9, 2010

Pretty Chick In Egg

Pretty Red on Red Soft Shell Chick In Egg
Look at the Inner Sleeve, a very pretty Yellow

Crystals, Soccer, Jelly Gang

A few Crystals that I needed
Thanks G!!
World Cup Soccer Balls from Gator
Got 2 of the Jelly Gang Pez Soft (Gummys) from Gunter
Thanks Gunter!!

Candy Packs

Some of my
Candy Pack Collection

Styrofoam Shelves

A few months ago someone stacked some 8' x 12' styrofoam sheets next to my dumpster. I thought they could be used for something so brought them inside the garage. I recently discovered that I could make stair step shelves out of it. Holds the Pez very well.